December 15, 2020
Hosin "David" Lee, directs the Laboratory for Advanced Construction Technology (LACT) at the Iowa Technology Institute. He helps member institutes and companies develop and implement their innovative new construction technologies in practice by performing objective laboratory testing and field evaluation. Recently he awards "Outstanding Contribution" by Minister Kiyoung Choi of the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) of Korea and President Soolyeon Cho of Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA). Stated "Dr. Lee has a distinguished academic career and his contributions in the transportation engineering field are well recognized nationally and internationally". Lee's award acceptance ceremony was presented at the conference on Dec. 15, 2020. The award acceptance ceremony video clip is available on: Youtube, more information can be found on the Iowa Technology Institute website: Iowa Technology Institute, and available on the journal of Safetoday website (in Korean): Safetytoday.